We @ Covert Experts
Provide a professional Polygraph Testing service in a culturally diverse community affected by crime and criminals. We serve the greater good by rendering a fair and impartial opinion based on the application of forensic psychophysiology, a practice better identified by the polygraph testing instrument.
Polygraph Testing is based on the principle that an individual’s fear of detection of deception causes physiological changes. These changes are recorded and evaluated by a qualified Polygraph Examiner and the result made known to the examinee and client.
We ensure that each innocent examinee has the opportunity to be regarded as such and every deceptive element exposed.
We ensure that each examiner affiliated with Covert Experts maintains our code of Ethics and Standards and would have received education of the highest standard. Each examiner must also complete at least 30 hours of continued education on a bi-annual basis to keep abreast with research and developments in polygraph testing.
We will provide you with the following...
Highly skilled and experienced examiners (18 years 2024)
Ethical examiners (GP, KZN & WC Regions)
Accurate and reliable results
Fair and impartial results
Validated techniques
Pier Review
Confession Driven
We can assist in all matters ranging from...
Infidelity and personal matters
Investigative screening tests
Pre employment screening tests
Periodic screening tests
Be sure to watch the relevant video based on the nature of your enquiry!